Environmental Braided Writing Workshop with Nicole Walker
For Intermediate & Advanced Writers
workshop description
A week-long workshop on writing that braids personal narrative with writing about the environment and climate change. By situating the self in the story, the writer personalizes research, while making research more accessible through personal story. The braided essay form allows for unique storytelling because as one thread of the braid presses against the other, surprising nuances emerge.
Memoir and personal essays offer something unique to environmental writing. By situating the self in the story, the writer personalizes what in some nature writing might come off as eulogizing and obvious, but when we toggle between ourselves and the rest of the world, we find surprising commonalties, for example, between ourselves and the way geological formations, like glaciers, seem permanent, until they’re not, which reminds us that probably our bad habits or unattractive character traits, like writing about ourselves, are not necessarily permanent either.
Group limited to six (6) writers
Six sessions (2 hours 15 minutes per session): writing craft discussion plus workshopping one manuscript
From Tuesday, December 1, to Sunday, December 6, 2020 (U.S. Eastern time)
Workshop manuscript length from 5,000 to 10,000 words
By application only — deadline to apply is October 31
Anyone accepted to the workshop may be considered for private mentorship with Walker or one of our other authors.
Fee: US$695
Application Requirements
Submit your application as a single WORD or PDF document which must include the following:
1. A statement of your writing background and what you want to achieve in this workshop if accepted for participation.
2. A writing sample of 1,500 to 2,000 words of what you plan to submit for the workshop.
3. Contact information which must include your name, email, phone, and the time zone where you will be located between December 1 to 7.
Please email your application to aalauthors@gmail.com by no later than October 31, 2021. There is no application fee. We encourage early applications as acceptance is competitive and places are limited for this private, small-group workshop opportunity.
Workshop submittals and schedule
Accepted participants will be notified by no later than November 4 Your manuscript (for the workshop) must be submitted by no later than November 7, along with your registration fee to guarantee your place. Your manuscript should be a single piece or excerpt of a longer work of approximately 5,000 words to a maximum of 10,000 words. Please double space your manuscript on a U.S. letter size (8.5” x 11”) or the international A4 page and use a standard font like Times New Roman in 12-point type. Allow 1” margins on your pages. Email your manuscript as one single WORD document (no PDF’s) to aalauthors@gmail.com
A final, more detailed schedule for the workshop will be provided once all participants are confirmed along with their respective time zones. However, please free your calendar for this approximate schedule:
Tuesday, Dec 1
Informal meet and greet plus an informal discussion about craft (40 to 50 minutes)
Workshop first manuscript (1 hour 15 minutes per manuscript)
Wednesday, Dec 2 through Sunday, Dec 6
Session on craft discussion (40 to 50 minutes).
Workshop manuscripts #2 to #6, one per day (1 hour 15 minutes per manuscript)