Berlin Writing Retreat
Novel Workshop led by Xu Xi
July 6 to 8, 2018 at the Penthouse Meeting Room
Park Plaza Wallstreet Berlin Mitte
Join this intensive urban weekend retreat to hone and advance your creative work. TO APPLY email — between 2,000 to 3,000 words of fiction for acceptance (novel excerpt or short fiction acceptable) - please email your submission as a single WORD attachment (or RTF - no pdf’s please). Remember to include your name and contact details on your manuscript. Other questions? Email
For the retreat you will be asked to submit approximately 3,000 words to include an excerpt of a novel and synopsis (a chapter outline may be included but is not required). We will workshop portions of your writing around key craft issues relevant to novel writing. There will be discussions of writing craft and generative exercises, as well as exercises to revise your work. You will also have an opportunity to introduce your writing self through brief readings of your work. Lunch time conversations will be about the business of writing.
Saturday/Sunday schedule: Morning session 9 am to 12:30 pm • Lunch 12:30 to 2:30 pm • Afternoon 2:30 to 6 pm • Retreat group size limited to 11
Friday 6 to 8 pm introductions • synopsis • re-visioning” writing exercise • introductory short readings by participants
Saturday • morning workshop focus on basics • the opening + generative writing exercise • situation vs. story • points of view • lunch writing life conversation • afternoon workshop focus on plot • scene setting • dialogue • generative writing exercise
SUNDAY • morning workshop focus on protagonist/main characters • narrative flow • revision exercise • lunch publishing conversation • afternoon workshop focus on raison d'etre of the work • perspective vs. point of view • revising vs. re-visioining • closing short readings by participants
FEE US$430 for the weekend retreat & workshop, inclusive of lunch on Saturday and Sunday • coffee/tea/water free WIFI • AAL current & former clients enjoy a 10% discount US$387. NOTE Our website accepts payments in US$ by credit card.
Once you’re accepted to the retreat you can REGISTER by clicking on this link. Former and current clients of Authors at Large need not submit an application for review — just register and send us your work by no later than May 25. [Former MFA students of Robin & Xu please email to waive the application requirement]. Note: A special hotel rate at the Park Plaza Wallstreet Berlin is available to all registered participants at the retreat.
Manuscript Review Only for registered participants at this retreat, Xu will offer a very limited number of manuscript reviews of up to 12,000 words of a single creative piece OR excerpt of longer work (either fiction or nonfiction) for the special price of US$215. You can choose either to receive a written review with notes on your manuscript or schedule a 30-minute conference (in person or by Skype/Facetime) to discuss your manuscript at a mutually convenient time. Deadline for submission of this manuscript is flexible but cannot be later than the start of the retreat. Please email to schedule your review.
Registration for all of the above is at this link.
Please note that your place at the retreat or for a manuscript consultation is not confirmed until we receive your paid registration.