Authors at Large
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September 17—18 and 24—25, 2022


Generative Writing Workshop

led by Robin Hemley


workshop description

What is autofiction?  First coined by French novelist, Serge Doubrovsky in 1977, the term first gained traction in France and more recently in the English-speaking world.  Ever since Doubrovsky invented it, writers and critics have argued what autofiction is.  Some writers see it as akin to the memoir while others see it as a kind of playful cat and mouse game with authenticity and autobiography.  Some writer/critics even distinguish between biographical autofiction and fantastical autofiction.  In this generative course over two consecutive weekends, we will sample different types of autofiction and discuss the ways in which nonfiction and fiction come together as playmates rather than frosty acquaintances.  No prior knowledge of autofiction is necessary.  An elastic sense of autobiography, however, is encouraged.  

Robin Hemley has a way of broadening your horizons, of encouraging writers to think beyond the narrow limits of their memories and imaginations into things I once thought impossible . . . Some readers seek certainty, but this is not the stuff of autofiction, which allows for the complex ambiguity of life, an area in which Hemley thrives. To journey there with him is like travelling through a tropical forest, light filtered through its canopy, one minute dripping in perspiration, and then the next, shifting into a different shady copse of trees in a country far away, another place on the globe where bird song sounds different, and the air is clear.

- Lis Hanscombe, Australia (Autofiction Online Workshop 2021)

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  • 4 sessions @ 2 hours

  • Two weekends: Saturday/Sunday September 17 to 18 and September 24 to 25 (start time TBD*)

  • Group limited to 10 writers

  • No application required, all welcome — first come first served!

    *we will confirm the exact schedule as soon as the workshop is filled

    Fee: US$575

    For an additional fee of US$250, participants who attend this autofiction workshop may submit a 2,500 word manuscript (up to two weeks after September 25) to be read by Robin. He will discuss his response in a 30-min skype/zoom call. This is a special rate exclusive to attendees only and is limited to 4 participants. 

    We anticipate this workshop will be popular so do register soon.